Town Center & Landscaping of Common Areas

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  Acts 2:42


The Journey Welcome Center Rendering

Town Center

Our goal at Be The Journey is to be good stewards of the land the Lord provided us by creating a venue that serves the greater community. Nestled beautifully within the setting of a charming old Southern downtown, the Town Center will
be a welcome destination for members of the community where they will find small shops filled with volunteers all ready to teach crafts, music, painting, and other vocational skills. Located above these shops at street level will be apartments for
interns, and other support staff and/or long-term volunteers. By engaging the public, The Journey’s goal is to raise awareness of the greater need for foster care in the community and partner with those who having seen the impact, are willing to Be the Journey with us.

Estimated Cost:  $ 2,000,000

Landscaping of Common Areas

The beautification of all communal spaces across the entire development involves the planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers to create a visually pleasing and delightful environment for residents to live in and enjoy recreational activities. The use of landscaping for privacy and sound management is both economical and displays the beauty of God’s glory.

Estimated Cost: $50,000